Thursday, October 21, 2010

Another update a long time coming...

Okay, well those that follow this blog may have noticed I am terrible at keeping up with it. LOL I know an understatement. Anyway, I am not posting just to state the obvious.

So lets start with the down slide. Noxluna and I have have parted in our romantic partnership, but on excellent terms. We chose however with great difficulty to end it while we could still maintain the deep friendship that had started it. We needed to be free to find what we needed for ourselves, but I think what we had and will continue to have in our friendship has benefited us both.

On another note SecondLife seems to be slowly dieing, the deepest wound coming from a 30% cut to their already woeful customer service staff. Another potentially fatal wound is the termination of discounts for regions owned by educational and non-profit groups as of January 1st, many of whom are not just halving their land holdings to remain on budget but dramatically cutting back to well under half or abandoning the SecondLife platform entirely. This is not to mention the papercuts of Viewer 2.0 which proved to no have ALL residents in mind, or the revisions of the TOS stating that creators do not have rights to take their creations out of the SecondLife platform to any of the many compatable start up platforms now emerging and attracting alot of attention from disillusioned SecondLife platform users.

However I must apologize to the ladies thinking that I am available, another lady has already captured my heart. Sweetest Effie, a dear friend I have cared about for some time, recently expressed her mutual interest in our friendship becoming even more. Though there are challenges, I welcome facing them with her and hope for long lasting happiness between us.

Also as I spoke of SecondLife compatible platforms InWorldz is starting to come into it's own. Though still very much Beta and not yet having full functionality, it has developed quickly and is now growing by leaps and bounds.

In terms of development InWorldz now has it's own currency Exchange, not only can anyone purchase InWorldz currency (I'z) but they can redeem I'z to their PayPal account and not be charged any fees above that charged by PayPal. In short InWorldz has chosen NOT to profit from currency redemption to real currency, instead they have chosen to gain their capital though currency sales that stay in world (As I'z) and though very reasonable fees for region owners.

InWorldz is gaining roughly one thousand users a week. Not all of these are from the SecondLife platform, though this does seem to be the majority, some are completely new to Virtual Worlds, and ironically the founders of InWorldz have yet to make any attempt to promote and advertise to gain this growth. Some of the users from the SecondLife platform are well known content creators from the SecondLife platform, those of note to me anyway are Nightshade and Effie's Designs who have expanded to InWorldz among others, and Brain Circuit who has moved entirely to InWorldz and no longer maintains a presence on the SecondLife platform.

Now I am sure some are asking what about The Moody Dragon? Well I spoke before of cutting back land holdings on the SecondLife platform, and indeed this has happened. At first from a quarter mainland region to a modest plot to house an apartment building. Then due to a revision of the ToS that was for lack of a better word "Yet another slap in the face of SecondLife platform residents." regarding land tier fees, all holdings were abandoned on the SecondLife platform. I currently resided in a Linden Home as for all intents and purposes I am paying for it as a premium member.

As for The Moody Dragon, it is now located in InWorldz and we are starting small again. It is currently located on DarkMoon Rising a primarily residential region owned by my former partner, and is kitty-corner to Isle of DarkMoon her commercial region, and adjoining the Tesh regions owned by her new sweetheart and owner of Tesh Botanical Gardens. The Moody Dragon also has a website fully set up and including an events calendar, DJ Bio's and more, it can be found at

I guess that is all. See you in about 10 months? LOL

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