Monday, November 8, 2010

Of Fortunious Dragons and Nice Surprises.

Well, arn't you glad you didn't have to wait 10 months? I may get better at this yet, but don't hold your breath, I have enough skeletons in my closet. At any rate...

Lightnin Lowtide performing live at The Moody Dragon
Yesterday was a good and busy day. After about a week of me and my sweet Effie wrangling and getting him set up in InWorldz, Lightnin Lowtide performed at The Moody Dragon. He belted out some Bob Dylan, Elvis and even his some of his own original works during his hour long performance. We had a nice sized crowd despite the fact that the crowd from my event preceding it had dissipated, and for the most part everything went without a hitch. It was a success, everyone had fun, and yet we learned some things we could do better. Indeed we shall do just that, my sweet heart and I have already tossed some ideas about having live performers more often. Keep an eye on The Moody Dragon website for details on such.

On that note, I also made some adjustments to the website, I decided to stretch the format as it seemed silly to me to use so little of the sites area to display what is actually on the sight. By now just about everyone should have a widescreen, and if they don't their old 4:3 almost certainly supports a resolution over of 1400x1200. So 1100 pixels seemed alot more reasonable than 950. If you venture over let me know there what you think.

Okay, onto the nice surprise. My sweet heart stayed home today as she was not feeling well when she woke up. She was feeling much better by the time I was up, and so as it was my day off she spent the day with me in InWorldz. We started off pretty mundanely cleaning up from the previous nights event and tinkering a bit, though it was happy time together to talk. Then we went and looked at some couples animations, picking up a nice dance and cuddle for us. Then, as I had recently finished a home I had been building there for some time we spent the rest of our day furnishing it. Did I mention she is a very talented furniture creator in Second Life and Inworldz? We are not finished with it yet, but it sure feels like home and I am sure we both feel the love of each other in it.

All in all a wondrous few days.